Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Impact of Tourism Industry on Economy of Australia

Question: Discuss about the Impact of Tourism Industry on Economy of Australia. Answer: Introduction Tourism industry is a major source of revenue of a country. This helps in the social and economic development of a country. Tourism industry triggers global economy apart from the economy of a country. Tourism industry is a major industry in Australia and tourists are attracted towards the varied natural beauty of Australia (Lee and Brahmasrene 2013). Tourists across the world travel to Australia to enjoy its diversity. It is seen that tourism industry represents 3.0% of the GDP of Australia and it is seen to contribute $47.5 billion Australian dollar in the financial year 2014 and 2015 (Chatziantoniou et al. 2013). It is also seen that tourism industry employs 580800 employees in Australia in the year 2014-2015. In this assignment, various aspects of tourism industry would be analyzed. The effect of the tourism industry on the economy of the country would also be analyzed in this assignment. An idea would be given about the analysis of the data regarding the tourism industry of Australia. The uses of various statistical methods would be shown in this assignment. The previous studies regarding the impact of tourism industry on the economy of Australia would also be studied in this assignment. Problem statement The problem statement of this assignment is to find the impact of tourism industry in Australia on the economy of the country. The aim of the research is to understand and interpret the impact of tourism industry in Australia on the economy of the country. The objectives of the research are as follows: To find the structure of tourism industry for the last 20 years To understand the change in the tourism industry for the last 20 years To find the structure of the economy of the country for the last 20 years To understand the change in the economy of the country for the last 20 years To understand the impact of change in tourism industry on the economy of the country in the last 20 years Research questions The questions of the research are as follows: How is the structure of tourism industry for the last 20 years? How is the change in the tourism industry for the last 20 years? How is the structure of the economy of the country for the last 20 years? How is the change in the economy of the country for the last 20 years? How is the impact of change in tourism industry on the economy of the country in the last 20 years? Literature review According to the viewpoint of Tribe (2015), it is seen that tourism industry can be a solution to the direct marketing organization. It is seen that tourism industry had been growing rapidly with time. People want to spend more time exploring different places and learning new things. It was seen that there were 7.4 million tourists that had arrived in Australia in the year 2015. Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne are the coastal cities that are preferred by the tourists. High profile tourist destinations like the Gold Coast, Queensland and The Great Barrier Reef are also preferred by the tourists (Lee and Brahmasrene 2013). Tourism industry is important in Australia as it employs 5% of the workforce in Australia. From domestic tourism to international tourism, Australia gathers her revenue from every methods of tourism. It was seen that total economic value of domestic tourism industry was found to measure $63.3 billion in the year 2009. As per the viewpoint of Goodall and Ashworth (2013), it was seen that Australia has various icons for tourists to visit. It is seen that Australia has varied climatic conditions that ranges from deserts to wilderness, mountains to coastal areas and cities to rural areas. Coastal regions have high profile destinations while there are Tasmanian wildernesses that lie at the southernmost tip of Australia. Australia has various major attractions across the country. From Great Barrier Reef to Sydney Opera House, there are various major tourists attractions across Australia. It was seen that there were 7.4 million tourists that had arrived in Australia in the year 2015 (Chatziantoniou et al. 2013). It is seen that Australian tourism industry provides various advertising campaign that features various Australian famous faces. These campaigns attract from across the world and also encourages domestic tourists to visit different various places of Australia. According to the viewpoint of Webster and Ivanov (2014), it was seen that the tourism industry provides a significant contribution in the overall employment level and economic condition of Australia. Tourism industry and economic condition, both are seen to increase with time. However, it is seen that there is a decrease in the holiday expenditure as a share of household consumption. It can be interpreted that there had been increase in the expenditures of the daily household consumptions which had resulted in the decrease in the expenditure in tourism industry (Mowforth and Munt 2015). The holiday patterns of Australia were found to change over the years. It was seen that there had been decrease in the holiday travel pattern for the natives of the Australians while there had been an increase in the overseas night pattern. As per the viewpoint of Holden (2016), it is seen that the distribution pattern of visitors across the states is uneven. New South Wales was seen to have most visitors in Australia than other states. Tasmania was found to have the least number of visitors in Australia across both domestic and international tourists. Australia has aboriginal, which is the native tribe in Australia. It is also seen that they have various cultures and rituals which are not practiced in any other parts of Australia (Murphy 2013). These rituals and cultures are attractive to various tourists as they can explore and understand the native cultures and rituals of Australia. Kangaroo and Koala bears are the native animals of Australia which are not found in other parts of the world. Tourists across the globe want to see these native animals of Australia and they want to experience them at every cost. It is seen that there had been a decrease in the growth of increase in the revenue from tourism industry. This had been due to the decrease in the number of tourists in Australia over the past. This had been a severe issue regarding the economy of the country as a major portion of the revenue of the company comes from the tourism industry. Thus, the impact of tourism in the revenue of the country is a bigger issue that should be analyzed. In this assignment, an idea about this impact of the impact of tourism industry of Australia in the revenue of the country would be given. In this assignment, the methods of collection of data for this purpose would be given. The methods of analysis of this data would also be given in this assignment. The expected outcome and its conclusion would be provided in the methodology of the research. Data collection Both primary and secondary data would be collected for the research. Secondary data would be collected from the documents of the government of Australia and primary data would be collected from surveying the tourists of Australia. Both international and domestic tourists would be considered for this purpose. 30 tourists, which consist of both international and domestic tourists, would be surveyed using questionnaire method. Close ended questions would be asked to the samples to collect the primary data. The questions would be in Likerts scale and the responses of the respondents would be considered for the research. These data would undergo various statistical calculations in order to fulfill the objectives of the research. Data analysis The primary data and secondary data would undergo statistical methods like descriptive statistics, methods of central tendency, correlation, regression and methods of frequency distribution. These methods would analyze the data and help to fulfill the objectives. Various graphs, charts and tables would be provided in the research in order to support the analysis. Ethical consideration Various ethical issues would be considered in this research. The researcher would not force the respondents to answer the questionnaire and participate in the survey. The researcher should clearly state the aim and objective of the research to the respondents. The researcher should not use any arms and threaten the respondents to provide the responses. The researcher should not tamper the responses of the respondents and should use the data as it comes. The researcher must take the permission of the respondents prior to using the data. Expected outcomes It is expected that the there had been an increase in the daily expenses of the tourists which had resulted in the decrease in the expenditure in tourism. It is also expected that the expenditure in tourism industry of Australia had increased over time, which had resulted in decrease in expenditure by the tourists. It is also expected that various natural disasters had destroyed the attractive places of Australia and tourists had lost interests in touring Australia. References Chatziantoniou, I., Filis, G., Eeckels, B. and Apostolakis, A., 2013. Oil prices, tourism income and economic growth: A structural VAR approach for European Mediterranean countries.Tourism Management,36, pp.331-341. Goodall, B. and Ashworth, G. eds., 2013.Marketing in the Tourism Industry (RLE Tourism): The Promotion of Destination Regions. Routledge. Holden, A., 2016.Environment and tourism. Routledge. Lee, J.W. and Brahmasrene, T., 2013. Investigating the influence of tourism on economic growth and carbon emissions: Evidence from panel analysis of the European Union.Tourism Management,38, pp.69-76. Mowforth, M. and Munt, I., 2015.Tourism and sustainability: Development, globalisation and new tourism in the third world. Routledge. Murphy, P.E., 2013.Tourism: A Community Approach (RLE Tourism). Routledge. Tribe, J., 2015.The economics of recreation, leisure and tourism. Routledge. Webster, C. and Ivanov, S., 2014. Transforming competitiveness into economic benefits: Does tourism stimulate economic growth in more competitive destinations?.Tourism Management,40, pp.137-140.

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